AC Boilers S.p.A. is proud to announce that on May 2nd, 2020 the mazout Reliability Run Test on South Helwan Unit 3 was successfully completed.
With such achievement, all tests on the 3 x 650 MW gas/oil fired supercritical units have been completed. It was a long journey together with the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company, the Upper Egypt Electricity Production Company and PGESCo, since the start of the construction activities on 2016.
Now, at the end of such challenging journey, the most advanced supercritical gas/oil power plant in Egypt is completed and fully in operation. This is the most important milestone of the more than twenty-years cooperation between AC Boilers, the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company and its production companies, PGESCo to improve the power generation in Egypt.
AC Boilers wish to thank all those who made this possible.
AC Boilers completed all tests on the 3 x 650 MW gas/oil fired supercritical units