The SOFINTER group through its Research Center “Centro Combustione Ambiente S.r.l.” has signed an important collaboration agreement with the Polytechnic of BARI realizing the laboratory ETF “Energy transition to the Future”.
The agreement comes from the awareness that the life of our ecosystem, closely linked to the production and use of energy, lives a transition that must lead to a different way of interpreting and using energy and environmental resources. This epochal transition cannot happen in a traumatic way in the economic and social aspects but must be supported by a constant and continuous technological evolution.
Next October, the ETF will support the “Combustion Institute” to organize an international conference on “Fluid Beds” in Italy.
Fluid-bed reactors have characteristics of particular interest in the use of alternative and renewable energy resources both in direct combustion and in gasification.
The conference, which will be held in Bari at the ETF site, will also allow participants to visit the CCA experimental area, unique in Europe for its capacity on an industrial scale experimentation of combustion systems of various kinds, and the fluidized bed of the RDF power plant owned by the ETA company, located in Manfredonia (BA), designed and built by AC Boilers SpA.
Energy Transition to the Future